League B - North A Cycle 12
פרטי המשחק
12/11/2022 | 8:00 PMHapoel Ironi Carmiel2 : F. C. Shfaram0
Half: Hapoel Ironi Carmiel0 : F. C. Shfaram0
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Starting Lineup
Timeline - Hapoel Ironi Carmiel - F. C. Shfaram
Minute0 תחילת המשחק
Goal Mohamad ZIDANE
F. C. Shfaram
Card Yellow Ehud MARAVI
Hapoel Ironi Carmiel
SubstitutionReplaces Eliyahu DERI
Replacer Rami DAHER
Replaces Ofek MALUL
Replacer Yuval SHABTAY
Hapoel Ironi Carmiel
SubstitutionReplaces Saher YOSFEEN
Replacer Esam ATAREE
F. C. Shfaram
SubstitutionReplaces Haitem HALABI
F. C. Shfaram
SubstitutionReplaces Omri VAGNER
Hapoel Ironi Carmiel
Replacer Ali HAMUDA
F. C. Shfaram
Replacer Hiasham KIWAN
Hapoel Ironi Carmiel
Card Yellow Muhana KHWALED
F. C. Shfaram
SubstitutionReplaces Mohamad ZIDANE
Replacer Khaled MUNDIA
F. C. Shfaram
Minute90 End of the second half
SubstitutionReplaces Oylis YASSIN
Replacer Mohamad KITANI
F. C. Shfaram
Goal Khaled MUNDIA
F. C. Shfaram
LegendReplacerReplacesCardYellowCardRedGoalOwn goalPenalty