eng ליגה ג' דרום Cycle 29 פרטי המשחק

Sport Club Beer Sheva


OCHAYON Moshe 8, OCHAYON Moshe 10, OCHAYON Moshe 45, OCHAYON Moshe 68, DADUSH Dor 70, LEVI Kobi 80, SABAN Dor 84
3/17/2023 | 12:00 PM
Sport Club Beer Sheva2 : Beitar Irony Maale Adumim7
Half: Sport Club Beer Sheva0 : Beitar Irony Maale Adumim3
Beer Sheva Rayser
Beitar Irony Maale Adumim


BEN KASUS Guy 47, BEN KASUS Guy 54(p)

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